About six months ago AlpacaSuitcase was selected to join Lonely Planet’s beta
Blogsherpa program. That means that posts are automatically fed to the appropriate destination page at the Lonely Planet web site. Lonely Planet has handpicked a great group of world travel bloggers and they’re listed below in this post along with a short description of their blog. I have read quite a few of them and they’re really good!
One of those travel bloggers, Brandon at
freewheelings.com has also listed every one over at
World Travel, which has them all in one place with real time feeds as blog entries are posted. According to the
World Travel site:
Lonely Planet has selected the cream of the travel blogger crop to take part in their blogsherpa Beta program. All of the bloggers below syndicate their content live to the Lonely Planet website so that you can view their articles by location as you research travel destinations. The LP bloggers have banded together to bring you a complete, up to date view of the world by syndicating their content live to this squidoo lens. Sit back and take a trip around the planet with the premier world travel bloggers on the Internet...Check out AlpacaSuitcase and other great world travel bloggers at
World Travel.
LONELY PLANET FEATURED TRAVEL BLOGGERSA Lady in Londonhttp://www.aladyinlondon.com/The adventures of a 20-something Californian living a fabulous life in London and traveling around the world.
A Traveler's Library
http://atravelerslibrary.com/Travel and books and movies that inspire travel.
A View To A Thrill
http://aviewtoathrill.net/Gives travelers ideas and tips on how to travel around the world on a budget. Our goal? To help you sample the world at a fraction of the price!
http://www.adventureskope.com/Lonely Planet Author Scott Kennedy blogging, taking photos and shooting video around the world. Adventure travel, outdoor activities and the adventure life are the focus.
Africa Attraction
http://africa-attraction.blogspot.com/Oliver Robinson - One of the three Gentleman Explorers
All Seasons Verona
http://allseasonsverona.blogspot.com/Stories and experiences from my trips to Verona, Italy over the years and at different times of the year. An introspective description as I relate new experiences as a visitor of the city to my childhood growing up in Verona.
Alpaca Suitcasehttp://www.alpaca-suitcase.blogspot.com/California family escapes suburbia to volunteer, travel and homeschool their kids for a year: 6 months in South America and 6 months in the Mediterranean
Are we there Yet?http://globetrottingmamita.blogspot.com/Stories from a mother of three school-age kids who travels the world whenever she gets a chance.
Barefoot Inked
http://www.barefootink.wordpress.com/Ever wanted to just jump in the deep end? Throw all the responsibilities and expectations of the real world away and just explore? Well, this girl is doing it solo and sunburnt in south east asia.
Bear Shaped Spherehttp://bearshapedsphere.blogspot.com/Expat in Chile blog. With a dash of wherever else I go, which can be anywhere!
Big City Blog
http://funnekotter.blogspot.com/Sold it all - house, car, (not my soul though) - and am now based in Amsterdam, travelling throughout Europe.
Broke-Ass Stuart's Goddamn Website
http://brokeassstuart.com/We write for busboys, poets, social workers, students, artists, musicians, magicians, mathematicians, maniacs, yodelers and everyone else out there who wants to enjoy life not as a rich person, but as a real person. Namely, we write for you.
Brooke vs. the World
http://brookevstheworld.com/Brooke vs. the World is the rtw travel blog of a girl fulfilling her travel dreams one phase at a time. Travel/living in Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Guatemala and Australia (and more!).
Cheap Weekend Breakshttp://www.cheap-weekend-breaks.com/Exploring Europe, one weekend at a time.
Coconut Radio
http://coconutradio.blogspot.com/Lonely Planet author based in French Polynesia but covering everywhere from South America to Southeast Asia & more
Destination Anywhere
http://sshiksa.blogspot.com/Sshiksa blog is a travel and photography blog, covering so far Mexico, Cuba, UK & Ireland and Morocco. I'm a 27 year old Estonian woman and the blog is about my travels the way i experience them, not so much as a guidebook or "how-to".
Diario de a bordo
http://los-diarios-de-a-bordo.blogspot.com/Diario de a bordo is a diary about my travels around the world. It's written in Spanish but with English translations!
Dotted Routehttp://www.dottedroute.com/Blog about traveling through SE Asia and my internship in Germany
Ever The Nomadhttp://everthenomad.blogspot.com/Lonely Planet author based in New York but always on the road, blogging about all things travel
First Time Travels
http://firsttimetravel.wordpress.com/This travel blog was created to help first-travelers as they embark on something different. It is an assurance for every tourist and traveler that even the most seasoned one has started out as a neophyte.
Florence Journalhttp://www.florence-journal.com/Living and tourism information for Florence, Italy.
Four Seas As Homehttp://www.fourseasashome.com/Living/traveling in China
http://www.freewheelings.com/Travel - Adventure - Life outside the box - Currently in Alaska
Ginger Beiruthttp://www.gingerbeirut.com/Insight on Near Eastern society by an Englishwoman living in the Lebanese capital.
Grand Cycle Tour
http://grandcycletour.com/An Aussie couple share their experiences of riding bikes around the world
Great Places in Bulgaria
http://truebulgaria.wordpress.com/Alternative tourism in Bulgaria - the real natural wealth of Bulgaria you won't find in brochures.
Happy Time Bloghttp://happytimeblog.co.uk/Backpacking around the world on a budget
Heather on her travels
http://www.heatheronhertravels.com/Travel inspiration and destination information from Europe and around the world with travel tales, photos, videos and podcasts
Hello, Pineapple?
http://tuckjoetuck.blogspot.com/Gap Year Blog. Told one day at a time, in no particular order
Hole In The Donut
http://holeinthedonut.com/Independent, long-term, solo travel around the world
I Am Koh Chang
http://iamkohchang.com/All you need to know about the island of Koh Chang, Thailand. The good, the bad and the ugly. (Plus a bit of sarcastic humour.)
I Moved To Africa
http://imovedtoafrica.blogspot.com/I moved to Africa, traveling, experiencing life on a US Embassy compound and waiting for the recession to end.
Indian Bazaars
http://www.indianbazaars.blogspot.com/About the traditional bazaars in India
Innkeeper's Blog - Dove Inn Bed & Breakfast
http://blog.doveinn.com/Innkeeper's blog, Dove Inn B&B in Golden, CO
Inside the Travel Lab
http://www.insidethetravellab.com/Exploring the art and science of unusual journeys. Professional writer Abigail King travels around the world.
Itinerant Londoner
http://itinerantlondoner.wordpress.com/Travel around the world, within Europe, and in London. Also lots of hiking.
I've Been Meaning To Tell You...
http://ezguler.blogspot.com/The way I see it: world travel + girl = girl in love with world and happy to serve up her experiences to those interested in a dose of Turkish hospitality
Jeroxie - Addictive & Consuming
http://jeroxie.com/addictionAll about food and reviews in Melbourne and our travels around the world. happy to take travellers around on an eating adventure.
Jetsetting Joyce
http://www.bnehotornot.com/The decisive guide to Brisbane, Australia
Jetsetting Joyce
http://www.melhotornot.com/The decisive guide to Melbourne, Australia
JJ's Travelogue
http://thetechtable.net/blogOne Year+ Backpacking through Latin America. Going on 19 months of vagabonding through Central America, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Argentina.
Just Wandering
http://justwandering.org/Budget travel in the Philippines, Southeast Asia and Australia
Kate McVaugh's Rambles
http://katerambles.blogspot.com/travels in US, Mexico, Vietnam, or wherever i happen to land
La Tortuga Viajera
http://www.latortugaviajera.com/A travel resource and blog based on my experiences as an American living in Spain with my Spanish fiance.
Legal Nomads
http://legalnomads.blogspot.com/Former corporate lawyer turned world traveler, with a focus on solo female travel, street food and exploring cultures in Asia.
Let's Do Something Different
http://letsdosomethingdifferent.wordpress.com/A site mainly about travelling with children
Lex Paradisehttp://lexparadise.blogspot.com/All about travel in South Korea - Experience Sharing
Living the Dream
http://www.livingthedreamrtw.com/Graduate student traveling around the world on a budget showing others how to do the same
Love & Sex & Backpacking on the cheaphttp://backpackingonthecheap.blogspot.com/Love and Sex and Backpacking.
Malaysia Asiahttp://blog.malaysia-asia.my/A site dedicated to travel around Malaysia and Asia
Matthew's Travel Blog - My thoughts on everythinghttp://matthewted.blogspot.com/A travel blog focusing on the wierd, wonderful and more traditional aspects of Thailand. My website is South East Asia focused.
Midwesterner in Mexico
http://www.midwesternerinmexico.com/Mexico City + travels across Mexico, as seen through the eyes of a 6'2 blonde gringa :) Discover the side of Mexico that rarely makes the int'l news!
Museum Chickhttp://www.museumchick.com/I am a expat New Yorker living in Paris. I visit museums, art and special events around the world. I share my travel photos, stories about museum visits and art spotting with cultural information. I also have a MuseumKid section for parents.
Music Roadhttp://musicroad.blogspot.com/Muza-chan's Gate to Japan
http://www.muza-chan.net/Passionate about Japan, travel and photography;
My Bella Vitahttp://my-bellavita.com/A site about living and traveling in southern Italy, with a main focus on Calabria
My Kind of Townhttp://mykindoftownandaround.blogspot.com/Lonely Planet author based in Chicago and covering destinations in the USA, Canada, Caribbean and Europe.
My Trails
http://www.mytrails.dk/Travelling and taking pictures is my passion. MyTrails is about the places I've been, the experiences I've had, the things I've seen (through my camera lens) and the people I've met.
http://nateniale.blogspot.com/I am from Penang, Malaysia and currently living in Singapore. I am passionate about travelling - be it short trips around South East Asia or longer trips elsewhere. These are my reflections on my travels (and everything else that I love).
No Borders
http://maravorhees.blogspot.com/Mara Vorhees is a writer and photographer who blogs about food, fun and adventure around the world. She has written guidebooks about Belize, Brazil, Costa Rica, Morocco, New England, Poland and Russia for Lonely Planet.
No Curry Curry
http://nohurrycurry.wordpress.com/Two Americans who quit their jobs to go on a 10-month around the world honeymoon
Orange Polka Dot
http://www.orangepolkadot.com/A California mama living in Catalunya. My experiences raising two young children as an expat family, local events and curiosities about culture, tradition and food.
Ottsworldhttp://www.ottsworld.com/Around the world travel with focus on Asia, solo female travel and expat living
Passed Ports
http://www.passedports.wordpress.com/Anecdotes from a year around the world
Patrina Does the Globe
http://patrinadoestheglobe.blogspot.com/Stories from our round the world honeymoon and other travel tips
http://photito.wordpress.com/A travel journalist's confessions
http://pocketcultures.com/Life in different countries and cultures around the world
Roving Gastronome
http://rovinggastronome.com/Food and travel writing by guidebook author Zora O'Neill -- adventures in Astoria and beyond
Scalaraehttp://www.sunsetmood.web.id/Personal odissey through Indonesia and Asia
Seat of our pants
http://www.seatofourpants.com/Currently in Sweden. Next: Turkey, UK, US
Send The Bugger Backhttp://sendthebuggerback.com/The travel log of a bugger ... this site covers my adventures in 30+ countries in 3 continents so far.
Sophie's World
http://www.sophiesworld.net/Sophie wanders the world, mostly with kids, sometimes solo.
Suzy Guese
http://suzyguese.com/Traveling with a redheaded temperament, sharing tips, rants, and stories
Teach Travel Play
http://www.teachtravelplay.com/Stories, tips and photos from a year teaching in South Korea and other adventures along the way.
The Brink of Something Else
http://www.brinkofsomethingelse.com/Born as a blog about long-haul travel and my continual search for new experiences, The Brink has taken a somewhat unexpected turn as I've found myself setting up full time in Cusco, Peru, and starting a different sort of journey - opening my own hostel.
The Hussainity Defense
http://thehussainitydefense.blogspot.com/Humorous, sarcastic and sad stories of kind of special encounters that occur during my world trip post an existential crisis caused by turning 30, being laid off from my job as a corporate attorney, and remembering my passion for art, writing and surfing.
The Planet Dhttp://theplanetd.com/The world is one big adventure playground and Dave and Deb want to prove to other travelers that you don't have to be an elite athlete to have an adventure. Their motto is "Anyone can do it!"
the reX-Files.cahttp://rex-files.ca/Environmental site
The Saturation Point of Bells
http://www.pointofbells.blogspot.com/Expat Melbournite living in Edinburgh and making up for a few decades of lost travel time.
The Silent I
http://glenniacampbell.typepad.com/Family Travels around the world, including Greenland, Libya, Galapagos, Iguazu Falls, and Asia.
The Turkish Life
http://theturkishlife.blogspot.com/The travels, linguistic misadventures, and observations of an American expat living in Turkey.
The View from Fezhttp://riadzany.blogspot.com/The main English language site for Morocco, contributors include a Lonely Planet author and two established authors and photographers as well as casual contributions from visiting journalists.
The World Is A Bookhttp://blog.annettelyttle.com/Travel and reading blog
This is Ghana Guide and Blog
http://gisforghana.blogspot.com/Ghana, blogging and social entrepreneurship
Tie Dye Travels
http://www.tiedyetravels.com/Former TV producer discovers the real world, shares tales from Arkansas and across the United States. Tie Dye Travels focuses on longform storytelling; Eat Arkansas is the food blog for Arkansas food lovers.
Todd's Wanderings
http://www.toddswanderings.com/Travel, adventure, advice and food from 10 years on the road...and counting
Trans-Americas Journeyhttp://trans-americas.com/blogOverland Journey through North, Central & South America
Travel With DenDen
http://www.travelwithdenden.wordpress.com/About slow travel and sometimes expat experiences. At the moment focusing on Europe, mainly Switzerland
Traveling Naturallyhttp://travelingnaturally.blogspot.com/Green Earth Guide author - I write about green/eco traveling mostly in Europe and the USA
Travelling Wakanoobies
http://www.beatentrack.info/Travel as we see it, all around the world.
Uncommon Travel
http://uncommontravel.blogspot.com/Unpopped Collarhttp://unpoppedcollar.com/Travel, Social Entrepreneurship and my random adventures
http://www.vagobond.com/Morocco Life, World Travels, Vagabond Info
Viva Latin America!http://vivalatinamerica.com/Travels in Central and South America - advise for travellers etc
What Up, Vienna?http://www.whatupvienna.com/Americans living as expats in Vienna and traveling through Europe.